作者伊坂幸太郎(Isaka Kotaro)的作品风格鲜明,既能把暴力凶杀写得仿如日常生活般轻松,又能从不经意的对话中迸发鼓舞人心的强大力量。他想象力丰富,擅长多线条叙事,故事看似一团乱麻,结尾却常常令人高呼过瘾,并用其独特的“爱与勇气”打动了一大批忠实读者。这本书的封面,看似轻松可爱,但其实这是一种反乌托邦的小说。这个社会存在很多的不完美,总有人会被冷眼相对,被谣言重伤。但是既然我们不能去火星,既然我们生活在这个世界,我们能做的就是相信有美好事物的存在,善良地对待这个世界。
Even though some changes have happened, it doesn't mean the world will get back on the right track. Our time, like pendulum swinging back and forth, will regularly experience ups and downs, thus the retrogress of the world will definitely come to us again.
Unrealistic sense of justice will get you killed.
As for those people, the truth doesn't count, what they only care is that the accepted truth must be advantageous to them.
It is said that evil doesn't exist in this world, everything is done justly. This saying is same with the rumor that there are no pests in this world. Actually, all insects believe themselves to be good.
Opportunities usually arrive when you make your enemies believe that you are dead.
We are faced with hopeless choices, strive to live in this world or move to Mars.
Balance is above all things. Animals and insects can enjoy a harmonious living environment because of their species diversity. This also makes sense in the heaven and earth, and the mimesis. Zebras will be extinct someday if they are always eaten by lions. It is the victory and defeat that bring us a balanced world.
No matter how kindly you treat the world, and no matter how hard you try not to trouble others, doomed death may still not come in peace.
I can't be a savior. If I save one's life, I am required to save others. Once I fail to save everyone, the world will call me hypocritical.